Add and update your property’s details — name, address, contact information, star rating, and tax ID in Property settings.
Your Property details — found in Property settings > Property details — include your property's name, address, contact information, star rating, and tax ID.
These details will be displayed on your booking engine and will be sent to the channels you connect to on Channels Plus.
To manage your property's details, click on your property name in the top navigation bar > Property settings > Property details.
Property name and address
💡 Your property’s name and address will be displayed to your guests on the Contact section of your booking engine. They will also be displayed on the channels you connect to on Channels Plus.
Name — your property's public name shown to guests. This may differ from your property's legal name.
Address — your property's full address, including street, city, state, and post code.
The map will automatically populate Latitude, Longitude, and Place ID fields. To adjust the location pin, drag it to the correct position and click Confirm.
Contact details
💡 Your property’s contact details will be displayed to your guests on the Contact section of your booking engine. They will also be sent to the channels you connect to on Channels Plus.
Public e-mail — add an e-mail address for guest inquiries
Website — enter your property's URL (include "http://" or "https://")
Public phone number — add your main contact number for guests
Alternative phone number — add any secondary contact numbers (if applicable)
Links to your social media sites
Add URLs for your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube pages (include "http://" or "https://").
These social media links appear as icons at the bottom of the booking confirmation page after a guest completes a reservation.
Star rating
💡 Your Star rating will be displayed on your booking engine and will also be sent to the channels you connect to on Channels Plus.
Under Rating type, select one of these options:
No rating — if your property does not have an official rating
Star rating — if your property has an official star rating
Self-rating — if you're self-assessing your property
If you select Star rating, choose the appropriate number of stars from the dropdown menu.
Your property's Star rating will appear at the top left of your booking engine.
Check with local authorities about rating validation requirements in your region before selecting a star rating.
Rating guidelines:
★| Budget-friendly, no luxury
★★| Affordable, comfortable, nice
★★★| Quality service, comfortable, offers additional amenities
★★★★| Excellent service, stylish, comfortable, plenty of amenities
★★★★★| Superb service, latest technology, luxury, highest comfort, plenty of amenities
Tax ID
💡 Your Tax ID will apply to Direct booking. Your Tax ID will also be sent to the channels you connect to on Channels Plus.
Enter the official business Tax ID used for tax declarations. Tax ID naming varies by country, for example:
UK, Ireland, France, Portugal, Italy, USA, Canada: "Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)"
Australia: "Australian Business Number (ABN)"
Spain: "Certificado de Identificación Fiscal (CIF)"
Mexico: "Registro Federal de Contribuyentes (RFC)"
💡Add translations for your booking engine’s property details in Direct Booking > Configuration > Translations > Property settings.