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Audit changes on your platform
Audit changes on your platform

Use the auditing tool, a feature that displays changes made to room rates, channel rates, mapping, configuration, and channel statuses.

Updated over a week ago

💡 Important to know:

  • The auditing tool provides a log of various changes made on your platform, however it doesn’t track pricing or restriction changes made in Distribution > Inventory.

  • Users hidden with asterisks (********) in the audit logs are our staff members. If you require more information about an action made by a hidden user, contact our support team.

Lifecycle audit

The auditing tool provides searchable logs of various changes made on your platform, displaying the time and date of changes and the users who made them.

The Lifecycle audit log is a table that records changes made to room rates, channels, channel rates, and yield rules on the platform.

Lifecycle audit event types

The changes recorded in the Lifecycle audit log include:

For all (room rates, channels, channel rates, and yield rules)

  • Creation of room rates, channel rates, and yield rules

  • Enablement and disablement of room rates, channels, channel rates and yield rules

Room rates

  • Default restrictions at the time of creation (occupancy, length of stay, etc.)

  • Changes to full rate or default restrictions

  • Changes to rate configuration (manual/derived)

  • Connectivity room mapping (if applicable)

  • Channel mapping (mapped to/disconnected from channels)


  • Channel connection

  • Channel configuration (property code, password, reservation email)

  • Rate configuration (rate multiplier)

  • Currency conversion (added/removed)

Channel rates

  • Rate configuration (manual/derived/rate overrides)

  • Channel mapping (mapping from channel)

Room rate lifecycle audit

To initiate a lifecycle audit of a room rate:

  1. Go to Rooms and rates > Rate plans.

  2. Locate the rate plan that contains the room rate you wish to audit.

  3. Click on the rate plan’s down arrow (v) to display its room rates.

  4. Click on the room rate to open the Room rate actions menu.

  5. Select Audit (opens a new page).

  6. Click on the Lifecycle audit tab.

  7. Continue by following the steps in the section titled ‘Lifecycle audit fields’ in this article.

Channel lifecycle audit

To initiate a lifecycle audit of a channel:

  1. Go to Distribution > Channels tab.

  2. On the My channels tab, locate the relevant channel.

  3. Click on the channel’s ellipsis button (...) to open the Channel actions menu.

  4. Select Audit (opens a new page with the Lifecycle audit).

  5. Continue by following the steps in the section titled ‘Lifecycle audit fields’ in this article.

Channel rate lifecycle audit

To initiate a lifecycle audit of a channel rate:

  1. Go to Distribution > Channels tab.

  2. On the My channels tab, locate the relevant channel.

  3. Click on the channel’s ellipsis button (...) to open the Channel actions menu.

  4. Select Edit rooms rates mapping (opens a new page).

  5. In the Rooms and rates mapping tab, under the channel column, click on the channel rate you wish to audit.

  6. In the Channel rate actions menu, select Audit (opens a new page with the Lifecycle audit).

  7. Continue by following the steps in the section titled ‘Lifecycle audit fields’ in this article.

Yield rule lifecycle audit

To initiate a lifecycle audit of a yield rule:

  1. Go to Distribution > Yield rules tab.

  2. Locate the yield rule you wish to audit.

  3. Click on the yield rule’s ellipsis button (...) to open the Actions menu.

  4. Select Audit (opens a new page with the Lifecycle audit).

  5. Continue by following the steps in the section titled ‘Lifecycle audit fields’ in this article.

Lifecycle audit fields

The Lifecycle audit log is presented in a table with the following columns:

  • Hotelier timestamp — records when a change was made on the platform.

  • Event source — records where a change was made. Sources titled ‘Extranet’ indicate changes made by a user with access to your platform, whereas internal changes are marked ‘Admin’.

  • Type — records what sort of update was performed. (Update types are covered in the section titled ‘Lifecycle audit event types’ in this article).

  • Action — records the specific action performed and in greater detail than the Type.

  • User — records the email address of the user that made the change.

💡 To find more details on the Lifecycle audit, click on the down arrow (v) next to the event row.

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