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Navigate, filter, and reorder channels
Navigate, filter, and reorder channels
Updated over a week ago

You can see a list of all your connected booking channels from your property platform, allowing you to verify their connections and take actions on them if necessary.

This article covers how you can search for and reorder channels, what general information you can see on the channels list and an overview of the mapping page.

Go to Distribution > Channels > My channels tab.

My channels overview

How do I search for a connected channel?

  1. Go to Distribution > Channels tab.

  2. You will land on the My channels tab.

  3. You can now do one of the following:

    1. Search by the channel name using the magnifier field.

    2. Click on the More filters button to filter by:

      • Channels Awaiting setup

      • Enabled channels

      • Disabled channels

💡You can use the Clear all button to remove any filter.

How can I reorder my connected channels list?

  1. Go to Distribution > Channels tab.

  2. You will land on the My channels tab.

  3. Click on the Reorder button at the top right corner.

  4. Click, drag, and drop the channel names until your channel list displays your preferred order.

  5. Click on Save.

  6. Confirm the new order by clicking on Update.

Channel information

To see general information of your already connected channels:

  1. Go to Distribution > Channels tab.

  2. You will land on the My channels tab.

You will see a list of all your connected channels with the following information to their right:

Channel status

This shows the connection status of the channel with your property platform. These can be:

  1. Awaiting setup: shows when a channel has just been connected, and our support team is still working on completing the configuration and activating the connection for you. This process can take up to 24 hours.

  2. Enabled: means the connection with the channel is working: inventory updates are being sent to all the mapped channel rates, and channel reservations are being received.

  3. Disabled: means that there is no connection with the channel. Inventory updates are not being sent, and the reservations might not get to your property platform (and therefore, they won’t be sent to your connectivity if you are linked to one).

💡 Connectivity stands for property management system (PMS), central reservations system (CRS), and revenue management system (RMS).

➕If a channel is disabled, an error message will likely appear in Channel settings. Checking the message will help you fix the error and re-enable the channel. Make sure that your channels are always enabled.

💡If a channel gets disabled, you should be notified by e-mail if you have E-mail user messages enabled for your user. Unsure if you have E-mail user messages enabled? Learn more: Create and manage users.

Maximum channel update period

Each channel has its own maximum update period. Your channel manager can’t send information to a channel beyond this limit.

What is the difference between a channel update period and my property update period?

The property update period is the current number of days your property platform updates each channel in advance.

However, each booking channel offers guests the ability to book for a different number of days in advance, depending on each system's calendar length. This is called the maximum channel update period.

Your property platform uses the lowest update period between the channel and the property.

➕For example:

  • A channel supports a maximum update period of 400 days.

  • Your property update period is 720 days.

  • The channel will receive 400 days of updates.

Suppose now:

  • A channel can receive 720 days of updates.

  • Your property update period is 500 days.

  • The channel will receive 500 days of updates.

If your property platform has a connectivity integrated, you should confirm how many days in advance it can update your property platform.

💡 Connectivity stands for property management system (PMS), central reservations system (CRS), and revenue management system (RMS).

Number of mapped channel rates

This shows how many room rates you have connected to a particular channel.

➕ You have to ensure that the number of mapped room rates matches the available room rates from the channel side, which means all room rates available for mapping are mapped.

Rate multiplier

This shows if there is a rate multiplier set for this channel.

Channel actions

There are some relevant actions you can perform from the My channels tab:

  1. Go to Distribution > Channels tab.

  2. You will land on the My channels tab.

  3. Locate the channel on which you want to take action.

  4. Click on the ellipsis button (...) at the right of the channel’s name.

  5. Select any of these options from the Channel actions menu:

    1. Edit room rates mapping. You will be directed to channel mapping.

    2. Update channel settings. You will be directed to the Channel settings tab.

    3. Audit history. The channel audit logs will let you check which actions were performed on your property platform for this particular channel, registering which user made the changes and when.

Mapping overview

Before you map your room rates, you might want to familiarise yourself with the mapping page:

  1. Go to Distribution > Channels tab.

  2. You will land on the My channels tab.

  3. Locate the channel you wish to map or check.

  4. Click on the ellipsis button (...) at the right of the channel’s name to display the Channel actions menu.

  5. Select Edit rooms rates mapping.

  6. You will land on the Rooms and rates mapping. On this page, you will find:

    1. Filters:

      • Mapping status

      • Channel manager room rates

      • Channel room rates

      • More filters button

        • Rate setup

        • Update status

    2. The current number of mapped room rates.

    3. Mapping table.

Mapping filters

These filters can help you find a specific room rate in the channel mapping or a room rate that is not yet connected to the channel, but one you wish to map now.

💡If you wish to clear all the filters, click on Clear all, besides the More filters button

  • Mapping status. You can choose to show or hide any room rate:

    • Mapped

    • Unmapped

    • All: displays all room rates created in your property platform, both mapped and unmapped to the channel.

  • Room rates filters. These filters can be used for both mapped and unmapped room rates. You can search for a specific room rate with both the name given by you when it was created in your property platform or the name this room rate has on the channel side.

    • Channel manager room rates: enter the room rate name the way it shows in your property platform.

    • Channel room rates: enter the name given to this room rate on the channel side.

  • More filters button. To see them, click on the More filters button

    • Rate setup filter. You can choose to show or hide any room rate that is Manual or Derived.

    • Update status filter. You can choose to show or hide any room rate that is Enabled or Disabled.

Current number of mapped room rates

Below the mapping filters and beside the Refresh button, you can see the mapped room rates versus unmapped ones.

➕ For example, if the message says rates mapped: 12 of 15, it means there are 15 room rates created on the channel side, and only 12 of them have been mapped to your channel manager. So you should aim to have all rates mapped, in this case, rates mapped: 15 of 15.

Mapping table

The mapping table is divided into two columns:

Channel manager room rates

This column displays the room rates you have created in your property platform with the name you have assigned them.

💡You can see both mapped and unmapped room rates if you select Mapping status to see All.

Channel name

This column displays the channel room rates you have mapped with your channel manager’s room rates.

💡If there is a room rate not mapped yet to the channel, you will see a Map to <channelname> button.

⚠️When all rates created on the channel side are mapped with your channel manager rates, you might see a Not available message. This message only appears when mapping is complete and additional channel manager rates are not mapped to the channel.

It means you cannot map more rates at the moment since all channel rates are already mapped.

The Channel name column also displays icons at the right of each channel rate to show:

  • Rate setup: shows if there is a derivation (chain icon) or an override (calendar icon) applied for the channel rate.

    • If an increase has been set, the chain and a green icon will show the amount or percentage derived from the chosen main rate.

    • If a decrease has been set, the chain and a pink icon will show the amount or percentage derived from the chosen main rate.

    • If an override has been set, the calendar icon will show up.

💡 If a channel rate doesn’t show any of these icons, it means that it has been set to be manual.

  • Update status: shows the connection status of this channel rate. The status can show as one of the following:

    • Enabled: this means the connection between your channel manager and the channel is working for this room rate: inventory updates are being sent, and channel reservations are being received.

    • Disabled: this means the channel has stopped receiving inventory updates for this rate.

💡 You can also see the Update status in the middle between the Channel manager and Channel name columns, showing if updates are enabled or disabled for each rate. The arrows represent the two-way connection.

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