For additional security, you need a one-time password (also known as a one-time password) to access sensitive information in your SiteMinder platform.
When you try to access protected information, we'll send a verification code to your user account e-mail address. Simply enter the verification code in the popup window to verify your access.
The verification code:
Can only be used once
Expires after 15 minutes
Access expires when you log out
When you need a verification code
You need a verification code to:
View guest contact details such as their phone number and e-mail address
View guest payment card details
View guest contact and payment details
To view protected guest contact or payment details in a reservation:
Log in to your SiteMinder platform.
Go to Reservations.
Find the reservation you want to view.
Click on the eye icon to view guest contact or payment details.
Enter the verification code sent to your user account e-mail address.
Click Submit.
💡 Guest contact details including phone numbers, e-mail addresses, physical addresses, company information, and payment card details are not included in booking confirmation, modification and cancellation e-mails.