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Multi-Property rate plan tags
Updated over 9 months ago

Setting up a large number of rate plans can help you analyse the performance of different strategies over time and improve revenue tactics for the future. However, organising and managing a large number of rate plans can be challenging. This is where rate plan tags can help.

Rate plan tags can help distinguish rate plans by various categories (e.g., by meal inclusion, rate type, distribution type, or market segmentation). A number of different tags can be assigned to a single rate plan. Once tags have been assigned to rate plans, users can filter the list of all Multi-Property rate plans by one or more tags.

You can use rate plans tags to filter your rate plans in Multi-Property > Distribution page > Rate plans tab.

Add a tag to a rate plan

  1. In Multi-Property, go to Distribution page > Rate plans tab.

  2. Locate the Multi-Property rate plan.

  3. Under its ellipsis button (...), click on Edit rate plan.

  4. In the Tags field, select an existing tag or type a new keyword to use as a tag (e.g., "Corporate" or "Non-refundable").

  5. Don’t forget to Save.

Filter rate plan tags

In Multi-Property > Distribution page > Rate plans tab, you can filter your rate plans with the drop-down labelled "All tags" and select the applicable tags.

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