Sabre Northstar Travel Media Hotel Ratings
How does Northstar classify hotels?
Northstar Travel Media classifies hotels using ‘Crowns’. Crowns are determined on the basis of information from a variety of sources.
The property’s own web site
Fact based information
Northstar submits a questionnaire and asking in-depth information about the property’s attributes such as amenities, check-in/check-out, etc. Northstar looks not just at whether your property have an amenity, but also the depth of the it. For example, if your property has a fitness centre, is it a full complement of equipment or just a few items.
Guest experiences, which they mostly receive from Trip Advisor
Reviews by their sister publication, STAR Reviews. STAR is a subscription review service that agencies pay for. STAR reviews are based on visits to the property. About 7,500 properties with Crown ratings also have a STAR review. STAR reviews tend to be for properties with three or more Crowns.
How do I request an evaluation or re-evaluation of my property?
If you are interested in requesting a review from Northstar or have questions about your review, you can send an email to the Northstar Editorial Mailbox at:
The email should include basic contact information so that your Property can be identified in the Northstar database:
Property Name Street
City, State Zip and Country Phone Number
You should also include an indication of whether you are requesting a "new" hotel classification or a "review" of your existing classification. For more information on the review process, visit
Once you submit a request to Northstar, the process to review the hotel is usually completed within one month.
What are crown ratings and how are they different than what AAA provided?
Northstar | AAA |
Five Crowns | Five Diamonds |
Four Crowns | Four Diamonds |
Three Crowns | Three Diamonds |
Two Crowns | Two Diamonds |
One Crown | One Diamond |