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GDS by SiteMinder - How I can apply for a Star Rating
GDS by SiteMinder - How I can apply for a Star Rating
Updated over a year ago

Sabre Northstar Travel Media Hotel Ratings

How does Northstar classify hotels?

Northstar Travel Media classifies hotels using ‘Crowns’. Crowns are determined on the basis of information from a variety of sources.

  • The property’s own web site

  • Fact based information

  • Northstar submits a questionnaire and asking in-depth information about the property’s attributes such as amenities, check-in/check-out, etc. Northstar looks not just at whether your property have an amenity, but also the depth of the it. For example, if your property has a fitness centre, is it a full complement of equipment or just a few items.

  • Guest experiences, which they mostly receive from Trip Advisor

  • Reviews by their sister publication, STAR Reviews. STAR is a subscription review service that agencies pay for. STAR reviews are based on visits to the property. About 7,500 properties with Crown ratings also have a STAR review. STAR reviews tend to be for properties with three or more Crowns.

How do I request an evaluation or re-evaluation of my property?

If you are interested in requesting a review from Northstar or have questions about your review, you can send an email to the Northstar Editorial Mailbox at:

The email should include basic contact information so that your Property can be identified in the Northstar database:

  • Property Name Street

  • City, State Zip and Country Phone Number

You should also include an indication of whether you are requesting a "new" hotel classification or a "review" of your existing classification. For more information on the review process, visit

Once you submit a request to Northstar, the process to review the hotel is usually completed within one month.

What are crown ratings and how are they different than what AAA provided?

- uses ‘crowns’ to signify the hotel’s rating

- uses diamonds to signify a hotel’s rating

Five Crowns
An expensive luxury hotel offering guests the highest standards of accommodations and facilities and providing almost any level of personal service. Hotels in this category are among the world's finest.

Five Diamonds
These establishments reflect the characteristics of the ultimate in luxury and sophistication. Accommodations are first class. The physical attributes are extraordinary in every manner. The fundamental hallmarks at this level are to meticulously serve and exceed all guest expectations while maintaining an impeccable standard of excellence. Many personalized services and amenities enhance an
unmatched level of comfort.

Four Crowns
An above average hotel with some outstanding features and a broad range of services. May have a special focus on design, style and amenities. Guest rooms and public areas are tastefully furnished, very comfortable, striving to meet the needs of
business and leisure guests.

Four Diamonds
These establishments are upscale in all areas. Accommodations are progressively more refined and stylish. The physical attributes reflect an obvious enhanced level of quality throughout. The fundamental hallmarks at this level include an extensive array of amenities combined with a high degree of hospitality,
service, and attention to detail.

Three Crowns
The full service hotel standard. A dependable, well-maintained hotel with comfortable accommodations and public areas. Usually provides a wide range of services, amenities and facilities. May have
superior executive level or wing.

Three Diamonds
These establishments appeal to the traveler with comprehensive needs. Properties are multifaceted with a distinguished style, including marked upgrades in the quality of physical attributes, amenities, and level of comfort provided.

Two Crowns
Primarily a mid market economy hotel providing simpler accommodations and services. Public areas and facilities may be limited. In-room amenities often designed for the business traveler.

Two Diamonds
These establishments appeal to the traveler seeking more than the basic accommodations. There are modest enhancements to the overall physical attributes, design elements, and amenities of the facility typically at a moderate price.

One Crown
A property for the budget traveler providing basic room amenities, but few services.
Accommodations may be standardized. Often in locations convenient to highways, business or airports.

One Diamond
These establishments typically appeal to the budget- minded traveler. They provide essential, no-frills accommodations. They meet the basic requirements pertaining to comfort, cleanliness, and hospitality.

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