Troubleshoot when inventory updates (rates, availability, restrictions) are not syncing from your PMS/RMS/CRS to your SiteMinder platform.
If your rates, availability, or restrictions are not syncing correctly from your property management system (PMS), revenue management system (RMS), or central reservation system (CRS) to your SiteMinder platform, check the following:
Check that your room rates are mapped to your PMS, CRS, or RMS.
Make sure your PMS, CRS, or RMS supports sending the inventory update.
Try to refresh the sync by sending new inventory updates.
💡 To process channel reservations and send inventory updates, you must map your room rates to your channels and your connected PMS, RMS, and CRS. Map room rates to your PMS/RMS/CRS in Distribution > Connectivities > Rooms and rates mapping tab.
Check that the room rates are mapped to your PMS, CRS, or RMS
If inventory is not syncing to your SiteMinder platform, or you are seeing an incorrect inventory value in your platform that does not match what is in your PMS, CRS, or RM, check that the room rates are mapped.
Go to Distribution > Connectivities > go to the Rooms and rates mapping tab > toggle the Mapping status to Unmapped and make sure all room rates are mapped.
If you are seeing an inventory discrepancy, make sure the room rate is mapped to the correct corresponding rate in your PMS/RMS/CRS. Make sure the mapping codes match between your SiteMinder platform and your PMS, CRS, and RMS.
Compare mapping codes with your provider
To get your mapping codes and share them with your provider:
Go to Distribution > Connectivities.
Click the Rooms and rates mapping tab.
Click the ellipsis button (three dots button).
Select Download rates configuration.
Share the configuration with your provider to compare mapping codes.
Check your PMS, CRS, or RMS supports the inventory update
Contact your PMS/RMS/CRS support team to confirm:
If they support sending inventory updates to SiteMinder.
Which specific inventory values they can send (rates, availability, or restrictions).
If inventory updates are enabled for your system.
⚠️ Note: Most RMS can send rates but cannot send availability and restrictions.
Refresh the sync
If mapping is correct but inventory is still not syncing:
Try sending new inventory updates from your PMS/RMS/CRS to refresh the sync.
If issues persist, ask your PMS/RMS/CRS support team to resend inventory updates to your SiteMinder platform.