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View a guest’s reservation payment card details
View a guest’s reservation payment card details

How to view a guest’s payment card details for a reservation, including full card details and CVC.

Updated this week

How to view a guest’s payment card details for a reservation

Admin users and General users with Reservation permissions can access guests payment card details.

Find the guest’s payment card details within the Payment details section in a reservation. Payment card details are provided with the reservation by most channels, and will be available in your SiteMinder platform for up to seven days after check-out.

To view the guest’s payment card details for a reservation:

  1. Go to the Reservations tab. Find the reservation and click on the booking reference to open the reservation.

  2. In the Payment details section, click on the eye icon.

  3. A security code will be e-mailed to the e-mail address associated with your account.

  4. Enter the security code to view card details including card type, cardholder name, card number, expiry date.

  5. Find the CVV/CVC in the booking confirmation e-mail if enabled in your platform for each channel, or access it via the channel’s extranet.

Note: for data security, guest contact and payment details are not included in booking confirmation, modification and cancellation e-mails. Log in to your SiteMinder platform to view contact and payment details.

View the CVV/CVC of a payment card

  • If reservation e-mails are enabled and sent by SiteMinder (set up in the Reservation e-mail address field in a channel's Channel settings) — find the CVC of the card in our reservation confirmation e-mail.

  • If you don’t receive reservation confirmation e-mails via SiteMinder, then you can find the CVC via the channel’s extranet.

About virtual credit cards (VCC)

If the channel (OTA) provided a virtual credit card (VCC) for a reservation, you will see “Virtual card” in the Payment type field on the reservation details page.

For some channels, you may also see the balance, activation date (first date you can charge the VCC), and deactivation date (the date the VCC will expire).

Most channels recommend charging the full balance of the virtual credit card in one transaction. Please refer to the channel's policy on charging virtual credit cards.

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