Important to know:
Unconfirmed reservations only relate to Direct booking.
This article explains how to manage any unconfirmed direct booking reservations that may be created as a result of an issue during the payment process.
Find any unconfirmed reservations on the Reservations page or via the Property status on the Dashboard.
What are unconfirmed reservations?
Reservations made via your direct booking engine may be created as unconfirmed when an issue has occurred during the payment process.
When this happens, the reservation will be pending for a short period of time, then the reservation status will become unconfirmed.
Confirm or discard unconfirmed reservations
Find unconfirmed reservations on the Reservations page — if you have any unconfirmed reservations, you will see an Action required notification.
If there are any Unconfirmed reservations for your direct booking engine, you will be notified via your SiteMinder platform’s Dashboard :
Go to your Dashboard.
Under Property status , click on Unconfirmed reservations requiring action.
At the top of the Reservations page, you will see a message saying the reservation(s) require action. Click on Show me.
Check your payment gateway to see if the payment has been received and that you still have inventory available for the reservation.
If the payment has been received — check you still have inventory available for the reservation. If you do, tick the reservation and click Actions > Confirm reservation.
If the payment has not been received or you no longer have the inventory available — you will need to discard the reservation. Tick the reservation and click Actions > Discard reservation. This will permanently remove the reservation.
Our booking engine will not send a notification e-mail to the guest when a reservation is unconfirmed. If you mark the unconfirmed reservation as confirmed, the guest will then receive a reservation confirmation e-mail.
We recommend contacting the guest before discarding a reservation to advise them of the reason the reservation cannot be confirmed (because their payment failed or you no longer have the inventory available).
Marking the reservation as confirmed may not reduce the inventory. You should check inventory levels before and after confirming the reservation.